Review / 1: The architectures of Babel, a cura di Tiziana Migliore e Paolo Fabbri, Olschki, Firenze 2011

by Aurelia Martelli

The Architectures of Babel contains the contributions published in the second edition of  I Dialoghi di San Giorgio, organised by the Giorgio Cini Foundation on the topic: The Architectures of Babel. At this event linguists, semiologists, and sociologists met with philosophers, scientists and poets to discuss what is happening to ‘language’ in the integration and clash between different cultures, ethnic groups and religions. The result is an inevitably complex ‘dialogue’ with an openly declared interdisciplinary structure, but which is not always successful in achieving what interdisciplinary activities aim for: the integration of methods and objectives between different fields of learning and different disciplines, new prospects, and above all, a true ‘interdisciplinary language’.