UN CONVEGNO SU LAVINIA MAZZUCCHETTI di Gianfranco Petrillo | Quello di Lavinia Mazzucchetti (1889-1965) è un nome mitico, sia per i germanisti italiani sia per chi si occupa di storia dell’editoria. Ma non è che se ne sappia molto. Bene ha fatto quindi la (noi questo articolo, soppresso per calco anglofilo ormai sia nei media sia dagli stessi operatori, insistiamo a usarlo) Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori a mettere insieme un “Laboratorio Mazzucchetti”, in collaborazione con le Università di Catania e Verona, l’Istituto italiano di studi germanici e il Goethe Institut, rappresentati da Massimo Bonifazio, Luisa Finocchi, Arturo Larcati, Mario Rubino e Michele Sisto.
Autore: tradurre
La citazione
Una domestichissima familiarità della lingua in cui si traduce
di Alessandro Piccolomi | Ma nel tradurre non basta questo [conoscere bene la lingua del testo fonte]: anzi ci fa di mestieri d’esser così minutamente instrutti nella lingua, nella qual traduciamo, e d’esserne così padroni, che nella guisa, che tenendo alquanto di cera in mano, potiamo con le dita maneggiandola trasmutarla, hor’in quadrata, hor’in rotonda, et hor’
Italian on the defensive. A Foreword to Italian novels and novels translated from English into Italian
by Tim Parks Eleonora Gallitelli and Francesco Laurenti’s pioneering research on a corpus of thirty Italian novels and thirty novels translated from English into Italian in the 20th century shows that translators tend to respect standard Italian more than writers…
Lawrence Venuti and his obsession
An interview with Lawrence Venuti (courtesy of PEN America, from the PEN Ten series) translated by Paola Brusasco In his works, Lawrence Venuti – a leading translation theorist and literary translator from Italian, French and Catalan – interfaces theory with…
Enrico Filippini from Feltrinelli editore to «la Repubblica»
by Alessandro Bosco It was most especially as a translator that the Swiss essayist, critic, polemist, writer, editor in chief Enrico Filippini played a leading role in the Italian culture of the second half of the 20th century. In particular,…
Italian Novels and Novels Translated from English into Italian: a Comparative Analysis of Text Corpora
by Eleonora Gallitelli, Francesco Laurenti and Tim Parks In this article we present the results of a quantitative analysis based on text corpora pointing out the changes in the use of certain syntactic traits in Italian and translated novels over…
“Not only opinions, words as well”: Alessandro Piccolomini and his translation of Aristotle in the Renaissance
by Eugenio Refini This article offers an introduction to the theory and practice of translation in Renaissance Italy. It focuses particularly on the vernacular translation of Aristotle and on the contribution of the Sienese philosopher Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1579) to early…
When the translator takes the floor: About a new book by Daniele Petruccioli
by Aurelia Martelli This article challenges some of the arguments made by Daniele Petruccioli in his recent book, Falsi d’Autore, a pleasant, reader-friendly guide to a better understanding (and assessment) of translated texts in the Italian publishing industry. Through its…
The strange case of Grimm’s “submerged tales”
by Camilla Miglio Translations of Grimm’s fairy tales are generally based on the 7th edition of the tales (1857). The history of this classic’s publication reveals how the oral, polyphonic and collective original was concealed in favour of a more…
From a translator’s Diary
by Rossella Bernascone Rossella Bernascone shares her experience of revising her translation of Joan Didion’s Democracy thirty years after its first appearance. Since she couldn’t find a copy of the English original, she started listening to the audio-book and felt…