by Giulia Baselica May 1977, a reader, wanting to know if there were any Italian translations of non-dissident Soviet writers, wrote to the editorial staff of the “Tuttolibri” supplement of the “Stampa” in Turin, hoping for a comprehensive answer. That…
Autore: tradurre
Latin, the bridge between Greek culture and the modern world
by Emanuele Zimbardi Latin literature is considered the bridge that enabled Greek culture to penetrate and spread throughout Europe. In fact, since the very beginning, Latin authors embraced Hellenic culture through an intense activity of translation that remained constant until…
A residence for foreign translators in Rome
by Simona Cives The Casa delle Traduzioni is part of the RECIT network and is a specialized research center and library dedicated to translation. It includes a highly specialized library, accommodation for selected foreign translators, and offers a wide range…
Come un prete il suo breviario
As the priest his breviary
by Norman Gobetti This article is aimed at conducting a survey of printed and electronic instruments (and dictionaries in particular) available today for literary translators from English. It provides a mapping of existing instruments (although almost certainly not complete) and,…
Una privata geologia linguistica

Il 10 ottobre 2013 Alice Munro, definita dall’Accademia Reale di Svezia «maestra del racconto breve», è stata insignita del Premio Nobel per la letteratura.
Il 30 agosto moriva a Dublino il poeta Seamus Heaney, Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1995. Tra le parole che accompagnarono l’attribuzione del Nobel si leggeva: «per le sue opere di bellezza lirica e profondità etica che esaltano i miracoli del quotidiano e la memoria viva del passato».
Personal linguistic geology
What it means to translate Alice Munro. Lectio magistralis by Susanna Basso “What do translators learn about authors, both in terms of language and of stylistic devices, when they work on the same authorial voice for a long time?”After more…
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Alla riscoperta dell’America (del SUR)

INTERVISTA A MARCO CASSINI di Damiano Latella |Partiamo dal principio. Un bel giorno, Marco Cassini, editore e co-fondatore di minimum fax, stanco di proporre autori di lingua inglese e di lingua italiana, si mette in testa di passare ad autori di lingua spagnola. Come se non bastasse, fonda un nuovo marchio indipendente dal nome tutto in maiuscolo, SUR. È andata così? Da dove nasce l’idea?
The rediscovery of (SUR) America
INTERVIEW WITH MARCO CASSINI by Damiano Latella The founder of the publishing house minimum fax has recently begun a new adventure with the SUR publishing house, which will focus completely on Latin American authors. Cassini is convinced that much is…