Autore: tradurre

Translating Freud: a rocky road

by Giulia Boringhieri The publishing house founded by Paolo Boringhieri played a crucial role in the diffusion of scientific culture in post-war Italy especially during the period between 1957 and 1987 when it acted as a pioneering trailblazer. Its ambitious…

Kept under wraps

by Norman Gobetti David Foster Wallace, perhaps considered even more of a cult author in Italy than in the USA, has been translated into Italian by a wide range of different translators (about 20 in all). The events surrounding the publication of his works in Italy…

Translations and the Italian literary history

by Michele Sisto The events involving three books published by Einaudi (Adorno’s Minima moralia, Brecht’s Poesie e canzoni and Goethe’s Faust) translated and/or commented by the exceptional mediators (Renato Solmi, Franco Fortini and Cesare Cases, respectively) would suggest that books…

An amateur at the court of the classics

by Mario Marchetti The translation of the ancient classics destined for a wide and naturally well-educated public enjoyed a revival of interest around the end of the 1970s mainly thanks to series like the new BUR collection published by Rizzoli…

Spaini and Pocar

by Silvia Camatta e Gianfranco Petrillo “tradurre” is presenting some hitherto unpublished (or almost) reflections on the work of two great translators from German of the last century. Alberto Spaini was the first to translate Alfred Döblin and Franz Kafka;…

Borrowed words that should not be returned

by Isabella Vaj Fifteenth century Central Asia culture is in no way inferior to the beauty of the Italian Renaissance. Practically ignored by Italian culture which does not even possess the terms to describe certain elements of the Timurid architectural…