Autore: tradurre

O Muse, Get Away. Notes on the Passage to Italy of German-language Poetry

by Massimo Bonifazio |

The reception of German-language poetry in Italy must be considered from various points of view, taking into account both the authors (“classics” or “emerging writers”) and the mediators (“scholars” or “publishers”). A lot has been translated in the past fifty years and there have been some important editions, philologically speaking, especially as regards the “classics”. The “emerging writers” are

Passigli Editori, Florence. Poetry’s New Life

by Fabrizio Dall’Aglio |

When a reader reads a text for the first time and that text is a translation, for him/her that translation plays the role of the original. Every literary translation pursues an aesthetic goal which is partly independent from the original text, and this is all the more true in the case of poetry, the translation of which needs to take into account not only the semantic but also the phonic level of the text.

French Poetry in Italian (1990-2016)

by Fabio Scotto |

This article is an overview of French poetry translated into Italian since 1990. The author provides a historical introduction, outlining similarities and differences between the poetic literatures of the two countries, especially as regards the use of prose in poetry, which is more prevalent in France than in Italy. In the third and final part of the article, the author makes some personal considerations on his education and experience as a translator.

On Translating Poetry, Once Again

by Joëlle Gardes |

This article analyses the main difficulties encountered in translating Tommaso Di Dio’s collection Tua e di tutti into French, La tienne et à tous. It adopts the point of view of the translator faced with an allusive kind of poetry, full of references to the poet’s private memories and

Foreign Poetry in Italy, “A Gift of Freedom”

by Giulia Iannuzzi |

This article is a historical survey of translated poetry in Italy, starting from a few important publications in the late 19th century that prepared the ground for the future. It reports the appearance, coding and use of parallel texts, and all subsequent publishing projects which marked

Exercises in Rhyme. A Quatrain by Yves Bonnefoy and a Few Paradoxes

by Valerio Magrelli |

An extract from a forthcoming book, this article analyses a specific aspect of poetic translation: the problem of how to reproduce rhymes. The text develops from a single example, a quatrain specially composed by Yves Bonnefoy for a German primary school. The aim is to show what happens if one tries to reproduce both the poem’s metric and its monorhyme. The article illustrates two alternative solutions, each of which gives rise to a couple of Italian versions of the French original.