di Enrico Terrinoni | La traduzione di De Angelis del capolavoro di Joyce resta un classico della cultura italiana del secondo Novecento. Ma ogni opera, soprattutto un capolavoro, si presta per sua natura a più versioni, anche grazie – in questo caso – ai nuovi apporti interpretativi forniti dalla critica in questi cinquant’anni.
Autore: tradurre
A more democratic Ulisse
by Enrico Terrinoni Based on his recent Italian translation of the book, in this article the author offers a new reading of one of the benchmarks of modernist literature, James Joyce’s Ulysses, in a more democratic, pluralistic light with a…
Un autore e i suoi traduttori
The way (not) to say it. Patrick Dennis, Auntie Mame and the queer tradition
by Valeria Gennero In the mid-fifties Patrick Dennis published his Auntie Mame in the United States with enormous success, and it was immediately translated into Italian by Orsola Nemi and Henry Furst (La zia Mame, Bompiani 1956). The book later…
Le parole per (non) dirlo
Paolo Nori e i classici russi dell’Ottocento (o della visibilità del traduttore)
Paolo Nori and 19th century Russian classics, or the visibility of the translator
by Giulia Baselica This article focuses firstly on certain thoughts expressed by authors who have translated literary classics. Beginning with the comments by the several author-translators in question, the article then provides an overall analysis of part of the corpus…
Portare Steinbeck agli italiani
di Silvia Guslandi | Poco più di settant’anni fa usciva in Italia la traduzione di Elio Vittorini di The Pastures of Heaven di John Steinbeck, uno dei testi che, soprattutto tra il 1930 e il 1940 – il «decennio delle traduzioni» secondo la celebre definizione di Cesare Pavese – veicolarono l’ingresso in Italia della letteratura americana, con l’intento di diffonderla e di rinnovare al contempo la nostra negli anni difficili dell’autarchia fascista.
Bringing Steinbeck to Italians. Vittorini translator of The Pastures of Heaven
by Silvia Guslandi Elio Vittorini’s 1940 translation of John Steinbeck’s The Pastures of Heaven offers the opportunity for a few comments on the work-style of this infamously “free” translator. His main objective when making choices seems to have been to…
A work created by translators: the Latin mathematical lexicon
by Lucio Russo The modern “scientific revolution”, which is considered usually as having its roots in the 17th century, actually continued to develop without interruption after the revival of scientific studies in Europe during the so-called “twelfth century Rebirth” making…