Autore: tradurre

Reminiscenze e borbottii / 7

Il vecchio lettore |

Una delle più grottesche scimmiottature a ricalco dell’americano che ormai dilaga, divenendo irreparabile, è l’abolizione dell’articolo determinativo davanti alle denominazioni delle imprese e delle fondazioni, come se si trattasse di nomi di persona.

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Il problema della traduzione è, per parafrasare Clemenceau, cosa troppo seria per lasciarlo gestire solo ai linguisti e ai critici letterari.

«Dice il saggio…», or Translating Science

by Daniele A. Gewurz |

The article discusses a few characteristics of the translation of essays, mostly scientific ones, comparing them to the translation of narrative texts. The main differences are the approach to the specific (at times more careless) style in which essays tend to be written

Drawing the reader to the Other

by Gaetano Chiurazzi

In Schleiermacher’s writings, translation is literally a medium of “experiencing the Other”. As such, translation should not obliterate otherness by absorbing the text into the target language. It should allow foreignness to show through

From Very Unknown Languages

by Norman Gobetti |

The article attempts to outline the history of the translations into Italian of texts belonging to far eastern literatures, with a focus on translations from a pivot language (that is, translations of translations). It seeks to consider the causes and the consequences of such a practice, which often comes under criticism and is seldom analysed accurately,

Reckoning with Balkan Languages

by Damiano Latella |

The article examines the works of fiction translated into Italian from Slovenian, Albanian and Bulgarian after 1989, in order to determine whether indirect translations, or «translations of translations», are still common. These three languages were especially chosen because,

The first Italian translator of Mein Kampf was Jewish

by Bruno Maida |

Mein Kampf, Hitler’s autobiography and Nazism’s political manifesto, was translated into Italian as specifically requested by Mussolini and published by Bompiani in 1934. Angelo Treves, the translator, was a Jew, but he died in 1936, thus escaping the worst implications of Nazi ideology.

A Century-long Dialogue and Chinua Achebe’s Legacy in Italy

by Sara Amorosini |

The article relates the Italian editorial history of Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (1958). It consists in two related but self-contained sections: the first one reconstructs the origin of the book and its relationship with the English canon; the second one, its translations into Italian. A brief interview with Elisabetta Sgarbi, editorial director of the Italian publishing house La Nave di Teseo, concludes the article.

«A parole incrociate»


di Fabio Pedone e Enrico Terrinoni | Assediati e assillati dalla curiosità, spesso piccina, dei media circa la loro fatica/divertimento intorno all’opera enigm/istica di tutto il post-Ulisse di Joyce, i due autori dei capitoli 1 e 2 del libro terzo in italiano (Mondadori, con testo a fronte) hanno riservato a “tradurre” le loro riflessioni più impegnate e impegnative. g.p.

Il belletto e la cave à liqueurs


di Piernicola D’Ortona |

Margherita Botto ha il piglio e la parlantina di una traduttrice di razza, di chi con i libri in generale e con la civiltà letteraria francese in particolare ha una lunga dimestichezza di mestiere. Ha esordito – in parallelo all’attività di ricerca e insegnamento universitario – con la traduzione di saggistica letteraria, lavorando su opere di autori fondamentali